2013年4月9日 星期二

Keller Rinaudo: A mini robot -- powered by your phone

- Great high level programming add-ons to make robot more personalized!
- Muyueh:Looking forward for a romo that fly 

- USD 150
- Romo
- Follow motion, and move around

- Completely intuitive for people of all age

2013年4月8日 星期一

Katherine Kuchenbecker: The technology of touch

Muyueh: guesses that there is also a high potential in the porn industry.

- Haptics /Simultate touching (Haptic phtography)

force sensor /motion tracking /accelerator / vibration sensor (10 sec)

surface gives vibration feedback

(online shopping)

Dentist use teeth's feeling to detect cavities. Able to learn this before people touch it. Potential in medical training.

Game /Sport to be more realistic.

Ken Jennings: Watson, Jeopardy and me, the obsolete know-it-all

Hard Question
- When information is so easy accessible, is memory/processing that much important?

- "I came to believe that there is two advantage for knowing:"
1. Massive different of facts (information are doubling every 18 months); need to have more basics to know where to search.

Muyueh: isn't this the reason why one should not be memorizing that much information ? The fundamental basic that ones need to manipulate the system (ie: searching on Google; or like the process of problem solving in consulting) is different than the memorize it all approach.

One interesting place where this is still disconnected is education: especially the test system, that so far still consist of testing the processing/memorizing ability of humain. 

There will come a day people should be allowed to use Google in their exam, lookup for problem that has been already been solved. As computer is very bad at framing the problem, making decision and pattern recognition.

2. Advantage of time, little girl that remember the right fact that save people from tsunami - > share connection between people.

Muyueh: this is a moving story, but what about all the people that doesn't recall this fact? Isn't it the case where it shows that people among one thousands people, only one little girl recalled, hence, having people to memorize is in fact a bad strategy that we should not rely on?

It is always better to know a thing, then not to know. Last cultural heritage that people shares.

-> Question where who leads the future. Machine taken over where machine takes over.

Muyueh: false dichotomy,

-> Spirit of Jeopardy: people that are curious about everything, constantly learning.

- He is a programmer beaten by IBM computer, understand the difficulty for AI to underst and Jeopardy (a little line that comes closer and closer)

- "I felt an Detroit worker that is been replaced by robot"

- Middle class they can do taken away vs. People will have more time for leisure

- "Is all our of brain going to shrink?"

2013年4月4日 星期四

Kees Moeliker: How a dead duck changed my life

- Ig Nobel Prize: first make people laugh and then makes them think: ultimate goal to make more people interested in science. (high price fake medicine is more popular than low price price fake medicine)

- Why does it mean? Only dead is instant.

- Bird fight its own image in glass.