2012年12月4日 星期二

Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from

This talk is having a very common point with Elizabeth Gillbert's talk; that there is no single author of good idea; and if that is true; you need to keep working the idea in the background, and keep connecting.

The TEDx event model is interesting, but it is still taking too much time to set up. Joining other's people's event seems a good way out: PanSci's gathering. Or organize "inspiration night", where interesting people comes and share ideas. Another way will be keep attaining different interesting event.

- How to find high quality event at low cost(time, cost); how to make most of the event( talk to people, debate ideas)

- Ideas comes from connection; not alone (the rise of coffee shop)
- Slow hunches; takes years to come;

- American scientist listening to the signal of Sputnik; experts join with experts and figure out the position of the satellite-> later figure out GPS.

