2013年1月31日 星期四

Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code

- Scratch, programming for kids.
- Kids create their interactive motherday card; ppt w/ animation

- Kids has became fluent w/ the technology.
- Chatting, Gaming different than create new technology ( read but not write)

- The ability to write their own code.
- 100 of websites that teach coding

- Should children learn to code?

- drag and drop programming

 - already connect to the real world/hardware

- use NB camera (kinect)
- Voice control

- The kids are learning code very young!

- Learn to code -> open up many other thing (knows why should use variable)
- exactly to know where to put the right code

- The process of design; how to fix bug, try ideas

-> The future kids are scary. 

They will have the design skills, and an born knowledge of how computer writing.

I only learn how to write and read in a very stage

