2012年12月5日 星期三

Daniel Wolpert: The real reason for brains

Speech skills:
- As compared to Antonio Damasio, the speech is far more interesting. He asked questions that interesting and important, made the point easier to understand: "why computer can win chess, but is bad to move chess piece", and offer important insight.

Important question: 
- Why do we have brain? 
-> Not because we have to think;
-> But because we have make complex movement

- The proof that brain is for movement:
Sea Squirts, the moment they settle down, they digest their neuro system.

- Computer (IBM DeepBlue) can beat human in chess, but might not be able to control movement to move things. (Defined goal that can be optimize vs. not defined, complex goal)

- What is the challenge of the brain: move many muscle, identify signal from noises.

- Bayesian System: Unifying system in statistic and machine learning (related post from Jasond Hsu)

Two source of information:
1. coming from current input (sensing) (red)
2. accumulated input from the past (yellow)

Need to decide the optimal ratio, so to make the best prediction

- Making prediction, so that you can know what senses are from the outside, so that we are not fool by ourself( can't tickle yourself)

0.1 ~ 0.2 sec

- Escalating of force (because prediction, the one that gives the force, feel less than actual)

70% of escalation

- Problem: simple task, huge amount of choice; but we seems to move the same way.

We understand the dots, we move the same way -> evolution.

We want to avoid negative consequences. Bigger forces -> bigger noises, we want to avoid bigger force.

