2013年1月31日 星期四

Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code

- Scratch, programming for kids.
- Kids create their interactive motherday card; ppt w/ animation

- Kids has became fluent w/ the technology.
- Chatting, Gaming different than create new technology ( read but not write)

- The ability to write their own code.
- 100 of websites that teach coding

- Should children learn to code?

- drag and drop programming

 - already connect to the real world/hardware

- use NB camera (kinect)
- Voice control

- The kids are learning code very young!

- Learn to code -> open up many other thing (knows why should use variable)
- exactly to know where to put the right code

- The process of design; how to fix bug, try ideas

-> The future kids are scary. 

They will have the design skills, and an born knowledge of how computer writing.

I only learn how to write and read in a very stage

2013年1月30日 星期三

How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries - Adam Savage

- Inertia (leads to Nobel Prize)
-Simple question->Scientific discovery

-Earth is round was already know by Aristotle. see sun shadow ( 1% difference of diameter of the world )

- refining other people result.
- great technology; with technology that were available a decade ago.

- Light. use wheel to determine 2% of light speed in 1849.

- Different scientist are starting in the same place as us. More curious more hardworking.

Why the shape of your screen matters - Brian Gervase

4:5 -> 1:3 (movie)

pan scan techniques to eliminate part ( 55% stay)

16:9 (75%)

Questions no one knows the answers to (Full Version) - Chris Anderson

- Question no one knows the answers to. Great list of difficult question.

- No one knows the answer to: How many universe exist?

- Galaxy->grain sand; milky way fill 30 by 30 vy three sands;

- String theory-> countless (?) other universes, build on different properties. 11 dimensions. 10^500 universe

infinite universe.

No agreement on this question 0->infinity

- Why can't we see evidence of aliens life?

- Half of trillion planet in the galaxy

- Other civilization in million of years of advance

- Possible answer:
- A superior species made a radio silence; and ready to eliminate other species.
- Maybe it's fare harder than we think: four billions year

- Just haven't look it up yet ( looking in too short time)
 - Maybe not looking the right way (dark matter?)

- Maybe looking at wrong scale ( smaller scale turn itself microscopic )

- Maybe biological life is just a passing phase. ( interesting)

I like the message. Haven't done fact check yet, but it is a good thing that someone is asking/discussing the difficult question.

Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar

- Core proposition: Lying is a cooperative act. Someone else has agreed to be lied.
- Deception cost 7% of revenue.

- Henry's rule: "Everyone is ready to give you something, for the thing they are hungry for."
- Lies connect the gap.

- 10 - 200 lies/day

- stranger lies 3 times within 10 mins of meet each other

- Men lies more about themselves than other people; women lies more about other people

- Extravert > Introvert
- Married couple: one lie in ten interactions; not married: one in three interactions

- It will be good if the source are checked when talked (popcorn project)
- Conform to which study; Original Quotes;

- We are against lying, but we cover for it

- Larger the cortex-> More Lies

- One year old baby: conceal truth
- Two year old : bluff
- Nine year old: cover up

- Lies spotters : spot 90% of the time.
- Rest of us : spot 54% of the time.

- Technique to spot lie:
Formal > Informal language
Distance Language

Chatter with fingertips

Freeze upper body
Fake smile (real smile in the eyes)
Over compensate eyes contact

An honest person will cooperative; brainstorming; imply strict punishment; furious about wrong accusation

Deceptive; redrawn; way to much detail; very chronicle details; uncoordinated speech physical gesture

Leak an expression; contempt (you are been dismissed, asymmetrical lips)

Lower vocal tone, feet to the exit (need to appear in group)

Technology to deceive lies.

Challenge: over sharing is not honesty. Signal to outsider to not cooperate on lies.

2013年1月29日 星期二

Wingham Rowan: A new kind of job market

- Problem: make use of flexible labor force. Defined by a last minute of available force.
- Marketplace for rush hours. The terms that they will accept booking.

- Labour, market research people.

? only for interchangeable task; what about more specific task?

-> Modern Market for all
- using machine/algorithm to analyze the opportunity
- as compared to the current listing methodology

- what needs to be done ( the following info. needs to be open)
- ids
- credential
- license

national lottery.

start by outsourcing gov. work. to small business.
-> have more data, that can add value

2013年1月28日 星期一

2013年1月24日 星期四

Arunachalam Muruganantham: 我如何開始一場衛生棉革命

- I have to say above all, that I really thank the translator of putting the subtitle.
- Kind of long at the end.

- Inspiring to build and give away.

2013年1月22日 星期二

David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization

- Gov. Budget
- Fear
- Facebook status: Breakup 10,000

- Relative Data
- 1,000 medical study; 250 visualization; one month to fill a medical graph

Store in the Google Docs!


A great website on the world news for Taiwan.

2013年1月21日 星期一

Jeff Bezos: What matters more than your talents

Recommended by Roger.
- My Grandmother bursted into teers.
- One day you will understand that it will be harder to be kind (choice) than smart (gift)

- Will you take proud of your gift, or proud of your choices?

- Choice of starting up
- How will you use your gift?

- We are our choices

2013年1月17日 星期四

The Beauty of Mathematics


- equation -> matrix -> relationship map

2013年1月16日 星期三

Ric Elias: 3 things I learned when my plan crashed

- Bad wine collector, because if the opportunity was ready, why not open it?
- Ego, things that you don't care with people that you care
- Death is not feat, but sadness, why can I spend more time as a parent

2013年1月15日 星期二

Inge Druckrey

Cinematographer of Helvetica. 
- See first, otherwise cannot create. 
- Use drawing to see. Metal/Glass.

- Power, strength of basic element.

- Two aspects of writing: 
1. the eye that controls, 
2. the radical hand write expressively, faster and faster.

- Copy until internalized

Symbolize, essence of something.