2012年5月17日 星期四

TED:David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence

It is nice to hear David Kelly speech, but nothing really new if one is already familiar with d school design thinking. Talking of design thinking, I have recently feel that something is seriously missing in the methodology. I don't where is wrong, I just feel that something is not right.

Feeling of doubt.

I think it is because in some of the data point I have recently gather, the result is false, while the process is right. So wondering about design thinking: whether there is some premise that was required but unmet?

Otherwise, how do you explain the gap?

Some note related to the speech:
Fear of judgement.
Albert Bandura; psychologist about phobia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Bandura
Step by step process to get comfortable with snake.
-> Self-efficacy, sense that one can change the world.
Take people-> series of step -> transformation
Commit to this point, regain their creative confidence.

