2012年12月6日 星期四

TEDx with Bad Science

- TED is the place where advance idea get presented
- Idea can wrong, what we believe are often proven wrong. Especially advance idea.

- What is the difference between advance idea and bad science?

  • Confusing hypothesis with fact
  • Didn't have solid background -> how can you check solid background
  • Report both side of the picture 
  • Should reference to journalism 
  • Checkable claims 

inconvenient truth: austin was associated with vaccin, but turn out to be false. Can one really know that before it was proven false by the scientific community. 

If not, we have to bear with us that there will be always a risk of false information on the information we provide.

- Bad letter, should have shown the usual routine that TED is doing instead, what is the background check they are doing.

  • No real case example are what is, what is not bad science
  • Rely solely on where the presenter works, studied, instead of what is true

I guess I just don't like the word "bad science"; science is either true or false; not good and bad.

Louis CK

Standup comedy:

Christ Rock and Louis CK.

Why standup is so funny, because it is partially true, the political incorrect thing.

Louis CK seems to mock himself, while pointing (funny) prejudice for people.

2012年12月5日 星期三

Daniel Wolpert: The real reason for brains

Speech skills:
- As compared to Antonio Damasio, the speech is far more interesting. He asked questions that interesting and important, made the point easier to understand: "why computer can win chess, but is bad to move chess piece", and offer important insight.

Important question: 
- Why do we have brain? 
-> Not because we have to think;
-> But because we have make complex movement

- The proof that brain is for movement:
Sea Squirts, the moment they settle down, they digest their neuro system.

- Computer (IBM DeepBlue) can beat human in chess, but might not be able to control movement to move things. (Defined goal that can be optimize vs. not defined, complex goal)

- What is the challenge of the brain: move many muscle, identify signal from noises.

- Bayesian System: Unifying system in statistic and machine learning (related post from Jasond Hsu)

Two source of information:
1. coming from current input (sensing) (red)
2. accumulated input from the past (yellow)

Need to decide the optimal ratio, so to make the best prediction

- Making prediction, so that you can know what senses are from the outside, so that we are not fool by ourself( can't tickle yourself)

0.1 ~ 0.2 sec

- Escalating of force (because prediction, the one that gives the force, feel less than actual)

70% of escalation

- Problem: simple task, huge amount of choice; but we seems to move the same way.

We understand the dots, we move the same way -> evolution.

We want to avoid negative consequences. Bigger forces -> bigger noises, we want to avoid bigger force.

Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness

Classic scholar talk, it's great that I am moving from the stimulating emotional TED talk to pure ( and boring ) intellectual talk.

1. Conscience; displaying image, sound, imagine and reflect.
-> It's basically the same part where the brain feels.

2. Self:

What is self? Are we the only animal to have self? (Linkage to: other animal doesn't seem to understand mirror)

- Key problem about self: "How can you have this reference point, this stability, that is required to maintain the continuity of selves day after day?"

-> hypothesis: We generate brain maps of the body's interior and use them as the reference for all other maps.

-> the self is bind with our interior system, which also has to be very stable.

-> The idea so far, seems to be that self is generated from the frontal cortex, but though it is related, Damasio doesn't think it is because of the cortex, only that because the cortex allow the self to have a rich mind.

-> the proto, the core, the autobiographical.

TED talk to watch




2012年12月4日 星期二

News Curation UI

Google News -> search for content provider; display what the paper thinks is important
Turn out to have too few news source.

 HN -> a platform; where people discuss news; a great algorithm is used to display the most important ones
Needs a better UI; customized to different area, people's interest

Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from

This talk is having a very common point with Elizabeth Gillbert's talk; that there is no single author of good idea; and if that is true; you need to keep working the idea in the background, and keep connecting.

The TEDx event model is interesting, but it is still taking too much time to set up. Joining other's people's event seems a good way out: PanSci's gathering. Or organize "inspiration night", where interesting people comes and share ideas. Another way will be keep attaining different interesting event.

- How to find high quality event at low cost(time, cost); how to make most of the event( talk to people, debate ideas)

- Ideas comes from connection; not alone (the rise of coffee shop)
- Slow hunches; takes years to come;

- American scientist listening to the signal of Sputnik; experts join with experts and figure out the position of the satellite-> later figure out GPS.

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius

Great encouraging talk to keep programming. I am pretty frustrating by the current quiz, but maybe I need to remind to myself that you have to let genius works with you. All you can do, is keep doing your part of the work: practice.

- Author of eat pray love
- Fear that the highest point has passed
- Association with creativity and depression

- How to deal with this depression?
- Ancient Greece: Creativity does not come from oneself's, but comes from demon
- Ancient Roman: Creativity comes genius (spirit that lives inside the wall that will help the artist)
-> Artist is protected, does not take all the credit, can't take all the blame

- Now: the artist is been the genius; instead of been inspired -> ego, unmanageable pressure

- Explain the creative process this way;
- Looking for a piece of a poem

- Catch the poem by its tail

- Idea that comes from a source

- Tom, Instead of panicking; he just look up on the sky: "can't you see that I am driving"; released the genius inside; a conversation with the genius. 

- If the book isn't brilliant, it is not entirely my fault; but I am still writing because this is my job.

- dancer lift up on fire, people will say: "Allah, allah, allah"; an expression that now becomes "olay olay olay" (bull fight)

- the trick is the next morning, when the dancer wake up; and find out that he is not the portal of God anymore

- Don't be afraid; continue to do your dance anyhow

Olay (keep showing up)

2012年11月27日 星期二

Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen!

- The smartest local people knew better how to solve problem than you; instead of starting initiative, think of how to support their cause.

-> counter case: would it be too small/customized service; impossible to scale? 

- People are important, nobody start company along.

Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability

- Connection: why people can't connect -> shame
- shameful vs. full-hearted: Courage, Compassion, Connection to yourself, Vulnerability

Vulnerability as necessity: the vulnerability to reach out, to trial and fail, to say I love you first, to make attempt.

- been turn down
- been layoff
- initiating sex

You can't selectively turn off (numb) these feeling without numb other good things, too (gratitude);

side effect:
- try to make uncertain certain
- blame, a way to discharge pain and discomfort
- perfect

wired for struggle, but deserved to be loved.

love with our heart, even though there is no guarantee.

2012年11月19日 星期一

Julia Sweeney: Letting go of God

- Age of reason, 7 years old.
- Change of birthday.

- "Did you really believed in that God love you for all his heart?"

2012年11月18日 星期日

David Pizarro: The strange politics of disgust

- feces, urine, blood, vomit, rotten flesh, many sexual act, diseased appearance
 Disgust that has something to do w/ survival.

- Disgust thing touch a clean thing; clean thing become disgust.

- Disgust sensitivity has a general pattern: conservative people are more easily disgust. 

- People who have viewed disgusting things became conservative. (Even if it is just a reminder to wash hands.)

2012年11月17日 星期六

Misha Glenny: Hire the hackers!

- anonymous: hacker who have a political agenda. They are providing a service to prove that security is useless. They are protecting the internet from the government.

- Demand of security vs. Freedom

- Hacker Profiler Project (UN operation)

- CarderPlanet by a group of Ukrainian hackers. Buy sell credit cards info. Supermarket for cyber criminal. Faced Challenge: How do you do business with the hackers?

-> The escrow system: (Stolen Credit Card #) Customer -> Officer -> Vendor (Money)

- 150,000 dollars/ week; not an advance programmer

- Hackers are only one element in the eco system. And the most vulnerable one.

- China and Russian are mobilizing hacker, making them to use.

Relentlessly obsessive about something. Just looking for a chance to work for something good.

Mikko Hypponen: Fighting viruses, defending the net

- The PC virus problem is 25 years old
- Visit the first hackers ever in Pakistan;they got infected themselves, too.

- Online criminal can afford to invest their attack; use around the world.

- You must have something that can works, even when computer fails.
- Invest in backup power, system that works independently from the internet.

- Thinking about backup; thinking about when the service of internet is taken away from you.

- Find the people with the skills but without the opportunity; and give them the opportunity to do good. 

Ralph Langner: Cracking Stuxnet, a 21st-century cyber weapon

how he analysis what is the target.

- Stuxnet, weapon to attack Iran nuclear facility in Iran 15,000 line of code

- Slowly, creepy, not be able to find it quickly
- Can lead to plant blow up
- Broke spin rate, waste the controller's time

- It turns out that USA develops it, but israelis modify to make it more powerful. It then escape to the target nuclear plan in Iran, and the virus got to the outside world. (more)

- This attack is generic: attack every power plant. Biggest target is USA, euro, JP.

fool input, might lead to a blow up of plant.

use data structure to find where the virus attack

use data structure to find where the virus attack

Avi Rubin: All your devices can be hacked

Take away: With machine learning and C, seems to be able to hack w/ many device's security. There are really important opportunity here.

Use memory overflow.

- Been able to get a virus from your computer
- Implanted medical devices hack

- ICD allows wireless communicate the protocol to the implemented device.

- attack on car: short-range: wifi; long range: cellular network,
- smartphone vibration sensor accelerometer to detect near keyboard tapping ( what about using this as sms input)

- Use machine learning

- PacMan on voting machine

- Need to consider security from the start

David Binder: The arts festival revolution

- Minto, international w/ local art festival.
- Open, transform city and community
- Outdoor world

- Choose 100 people of that city

- Artist help us explore the city.

- "If art is about transformation.."

- a great festival can show us a map of the world, a map of the city and a map of ourselves, but there is no one fixed festival model.

2012年11月16日 星期五

2012年11月15日 星期四

2012年11月14日 星期三

Seth Godin: This is broken

- Not my job
- Selfish Jerks
- The world Changed
- I don't know
- I am not a fish
The person that design, doesn't use it.

- Contradiction
- Broken on purpose
See the brokenness in purpose.

2012年11月12日 星期一

Jeff Hancock: 3 types of (digital) lies

From TEDxWinnipeg

- Three kinds of deception:

(from Jeff Hancock Speech)

- Butlers: Ambiguity buffer, such as "sorry, my battery is dead" (white lie)
- Sock Puppets: such as: author write own book review (mean to deceive, one person)
- Chinese Water Army: such as: many fake blog reviews (mean to deceive, brought up to scale)

- e-mail is the less lies, phone is the most lies, f2f in the middle.
- resume: paper vs. linkedin (more honest)
- facebook profile: (high correlation btw) four knew and four stranger judge on personality

- online dating: guys lie about height, lie frequently but by little bit

- How to explain why online deception is small?
- We are very bad at detecting lies (54% accuracy)

- We lie for a reason.

- Talking when there was no record.

- Now, all the fake review are staying.

- Fake review w/ algorithm; think about the situation, thus more on "I", and imaginable setting vs. real small details

- Lying online can be very dangerous, do I want to this to be part of my record?

2012年11月11日 星期日

1,000,000,000,000 Frames/Second Photography - Ramesh Raskar

- Trillion Frames per second; Femto Photography, it can capture light.
- The light bounce inside tomato.

- Expose many light on the object, scatter in all direction, GB of information integrate together. Tiny photons that come back.

Next area of imaging, not about mega pixel, but about time.

2012年11月8日 星期四

Gary Greenberg: The beautiful nano details of our world

- Beautiful Science. What we can see in very very small scale.
- The grain of sand are beautiful
- Three dimension microscope: easy to loose focus on small scale, need to take many different picture. And put them together using a program.

- "To see a world, in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in your hand, and eternity in one hour." William Blake

(Photo from Gary Greenberg TED speech)

2012年11月5日 星期一

Benjamin Zander: The transformative power of classical music

- Classical Music
- The impulse is reduced; 6-> 11 years one-buttock playing
- Maybe it's not the audience, is the player

- One-buttock play, is the vision

- Why I am clapping, 7th grade kids said: "Because we were listening"

- How would you be, talk for "moving everybody love classical music" vs.  "moving 3% -> 4% to love classical music"

- My job is silence, and to awaken possibility with other people.

- If the eyes are not shinning, you get to ask: "Who am I being, that my players' eyes are not shining?"

- Definition for success: how many shining eyes around me?

- "I will never say anything, that couldn't stand at the last thing that I have ever said."


That is how a video about passion should be, the speaker should be so full of passion, that there are many spillover on the audience. A evangelist that can't wait to convert everyone into.

I can't remembered a more passionate TED talk.

Malcolm Gladwell:The strange tale of the Norden bombsight

- It is machine that spent US$ 1.5 billion in WW II to developed (as compared to 3 billion in Manhattan project)
- A device to drop bomb from the air with precision (in practice).
- Only works Cloudless sky, low speed, low attitude.
- 750 acre chemical plant, 85,000 bombs only 10% lands, with 16% didn't go off.
- Many gadgets that claims to be Norden bombs, but it actually means very little: it solves the wrong problem.
- Droid killing in war was 95% effective, but suicide bombing increase 1000%.

Be flexible, change your way of attacking a problem. Be careful of metrics and KPI.

2012年11月1日 星期四

2012年10月31日 星期三

Marco Tempest: A cyber-magic card trick like no other

"Magic makes possible today what science will make a reality tomorrow. "

Technology advancement will sure change magic. In this case, a poetic combination with Augmented Reality. 

Hard Question: Can there be a case where using technology will diminish the sense of surprise in a magic performance?

I mean that the audience know that we have been showed incredible things on through the screen. WIth aftereffect, I can hardly think of anything that haven't been on a movie. 

That is probably why when the magician made some breakthrough w/ the hardware and software, the audience is unimpressed: "that is interesting, doesn't the iPhone already does this?"

The following is another performance by the same magician.

Which I personally think that has less surprises.  (Though I know it is technically difficult).

2012年8月19日 星期日

Coscup 2012

Talk with other programmers; read other programs. This is more important than any book or training course.

當然吸收到了一些新東西的發展,不過收穫最大的,還是親眼看到一些 Hackers 級的人物,讓我啟發非常多。倒是跟現場朋友交流的部分,還是有一些太被動了;幸好現場有遇到許瀚昌帶我認識一些 Mozilla Taiwan 社群的朋友。


  • 長時間養成精湛的技術;Jserv 用了15 分鐘的時間製作了一個作業系統的核心,邊 Coding 邊解說。從我聽起來,他從大學輟學 coding 已經有十年的時間了。還有一些其他的前輩,也是在很早以前就開始了。我相當欽佩他們,某種層面也是給我一個建設,說前方還有很長的一段路要走。
  • 感恩以及分享的精神;我也稍微能體會 Open Source 的概念:當一個人花了非常長時間解決一個問題之後,有一些研究心得跟成果。便把這些結果,整理成一個套件、文件、或一個演講。幫助之後的人,不需要花這麼多的心力。這樣的分享精神,有時候穿越了賺錢的需要。 這周末,當然看了很多神人級的人物,都不吝於分享他們的經驗。


  • 自由的追隨著自己熱情;Kamm 的 3D 列印,Imamura Noritsuna 用腦波控制的機器人用晶片控制家電,Jserv 建一個新酷音。同時覺得他們怎麼挑這麼奇怪的 project 來做,另一方面,又非常羨慕他們的自由。畢竟偉大的發明,都是從不起眼的小地方開始的。唯一的衡量標準,或許就持續跟著自己的興趣走。

    The great scientists often make this error. They fail to continue to plant the little acorns from which the mighty oak trees grow.   

  • 有一些駭客居然在公司/ 學校工作;這一點對我來講是值得深思的,或許,這是他們可以持續專注在程式的方法:有一個固定,有彈性的工作。
  • 偷聽的水準很高;中午吃便當的時候,就算不說話,也可以偷聽到很高品質的對話。環境真的很重要


  • 可以進行Big Data 分析的 Open source 工具
  • 小米機
  • 傾斜式的 3D 列印
  • Ubuntu
  • OpenSuse

2012年8月6日 星期一

TED: Hannah Fry: Is life really that complex?

A very interesting speech  about using Mathematics in real life.

In the past there was two kind of extreme problem that were possible to solve ( bench-marking Einstein):
- Very few object, with low interaction. [Ball A hits Ball B]
- Large quantity of object, where interaction nullify. [Large quantity of atoms]

 Math is now possible to let us work on some problem in between:
- Mitigation of people in Europe -> Gravity Model (Distance & Opportunity)
- Burglary, once break, will happen more often, until police came dynamics hot spots->  Chemical reaction where Leopard gets its spots
- Riot:

  1. Decision to Riot, more people know, more people get infected-> virus spreading model
  2. Pick Riot site, take somewhere near, unless good cause-> consumer model for local shopping
  3. Interact with Police, less encounter as possible-> predator and prey pattern

Combining all together, you can build a model that predict riots in city.

Next Step: 
Where I can find more of this kind of research? 
It will be interesting to collect different pattern of Nature. And use Google correlation. 

2012年6月22日 星期五

on The Sure Thing

I just read wired and businessweekly (both Chinese) on Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon.com, he is all over the news now. Something interesting about him, is he places big bet on long term shot. The company focused on the customer instead of purchasing its peers: heavily invest itself on warehouse to be more efficient. That is at the time when the company was still losing money. They focus on 5-7 years  investment cycle, which is completely unthinkable, and they are an internet company. 

That reminds me of Peter Thiel's CS 183 on Monopoly: instead of chasing what everyone else is doing, focusing on some problem that has been overlooked, where no one is competing. In Bezos case, the blank area is to make investment about 5-7 years, which no one else on the internet is doing. He has more space for error, and a bigger premium when he do get it right.

This also align with another article from Malcolm Gladwell on The Sure Thing. We used to think that the very successful entrepreneur are risk-seekers, taking big bid to make a lot of money, Gladwell argued that to the contrary, these people are risk-adverse. They usually don't make bet if they absolutely sure about something, and when they bet, they bet big. 

In the case of Bezos, he started to play with the end game in his mind, and he played big, his recent bet is US$ 700 M on a warehouse robot company. 

Malcolm cites Villete and Vuillermot's study: 
The entrepreneur has access to that deal by virtue of occupying a "structural hole," a niche that gives him a unique perspective on a particular market. Villette and Vuillermot go on, "The businessman looks for partners to a transaction who do not have the same definition as he of the value of the goods exchanged, that is, who undervalue what they sell to him or overvalue what they buy from him in comparison to his own evaluation." He moves decisively. He repeats the good deal over and over again, until the opportunity closes, and—most crucially—his focus throughout that sequence is on hedging his bets and minimizing his chances of failure. The truly successful businessman, in Villette and Vuillermot's telling, is anything but a risk-taker. He is a predator, and predators seek to incur the least risk possible while hunting.
Several take-away here: to have a unique perspective, to be decisive, and to hedge risk. I am developing some possible ground to improve these capabilities: 

- To have unique perspective; talk to different people, have different experience/job, look deeper, look where most people overlooked or don't dare to, appreciate the real constraint in the world. If the key here is unique, then it should really be about focusing on intensityreaching where few people get, not just change a way of thinking. 

Action: Do something other people are not doing, even better yet: get into a habit that other people are not doing (i.e write blog, take nap, read deep, think); neglect what has is popular (i.e: mobile internet.)

- To be sure about own insight; Have full confidence on your insight is key. Constantly adopt some action from your insight, gain confidence, constantly check reality. There is two subtle way in adopting this, that might be two complementary strategy: 
Hypothesis 1 : Be able to rely 100% of what you have on the sole insight. You will need to be really, really sure about something.
Action: Develop HARD skill, it is all it count at the end. Need to know everything (i.e. Master Learning; Master Deliberate Practice; Master Javascript: The Good Part; Master Writing; Master Visual; Master Analytic)
Hypothesis 2 : Take a cost-efficient approach. Take a 80/20 approach testing, and make many good shoots.
Action: Observe, and write letters to 30 business owners for advise on where they can improve their business. 
- To hedge risk; This will requires me to follow hypothesis 1 above, develop very accurate fact.

Action: I will need to get into the habits of developing tool, or check point where I can verify whether my hypothesis/insight is correct, which is consistent with hypothesis 2, constantly testing and checking.

2012年5月26日 星期六

2012年5月25日 星期五

Programming Working Journal

Check-in: tired, but look forward to the day of programming.

Planned 07:00-13:00 6h

- JS finish Steve's assignment
- JQuery finish Steve's assignment
- Re-build TEDxGongguuan

JS Steve's assignment

List of mistake:
- First append, and then change style.
- Get stuck because of typo of word
-> Use double click to check the variable
-> Must seriously think about getting it more compact

JS-> getElementById vs. directly calling the variable, needs the former to insert text node.

1. http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_style.asp
2. Just refer to Steve's original assign.

a. Use table
b. Use border

2012年5月23日 星期三

Programming Working Journal

Check-in: Full and a bit tired.

Actual: 09:15- 11:30 2h15min
Get long time error because the clause wasn't within body.

Planned Schedule: 09:15-12:00. 2h 45.

Finish w3 school about Javascript part.

- difference between break and continue
-> continue break loop, for the next loop.

- Object; For...in statement
->var person={fname:"John",lname:"Doe",age:25};
var x;
for (x in person)
document.write(person[x] + " ");

2012年5月21日 星期一

Programming Working Journal

Check-in: Full. A bit tired.
attack plan 20 h DP.
- start with Steve's tutorial, and exercise.
- went through w3 school quickly
- rebuild TEDxGongguan.com

20:50-23:00 w3 school

Planned Schedule:
20:50-23:30 revisit Steve's tutorial

JQuery/Java Script
Download HTML 5.

Steve's Tutorial week 6 JQuery

Steve's Assignment week 6

- try .js, external javascript file 
- Case sensitive.
- document.getElementById('x').innerHTML="y"
->Change x to y.
- document.write(x)
-> seems to be how to echo something in JS
If you add a number and a string, the result will be a string!

- a=[1, 2, 3, 4]
-> That's how to write array

- switch(){
 case 1:
 case 2: document.write("this is good");

Renny Gleeson: 404, the story of a page not found

Broken relationship is part of the customer experience. And if that is so, a good reason to make it nice as well.

Good lesson for programmer.

TED: Chris Jordan pictures some shocking stats

Data visualization for some feeling.

Can't this be an automated process?

If it were, what will be the most important component? 
- > Comparison, relative size.

-> Structure. If it is structural data.

-> Emotion trigger.

2012年5月20日 星期日

TEDxTaida: La vie est d'ailleurs

這一次的活動比我預期中的精采,也很幸運的可以跟遇到之前很啟發我英文老師 Benette Fu (社團指導老師)/ 還有機會跟講者聊到。可惜因為必須要先走,所以沒有機會把後面精采的講者聽完。


(我其實有一點不喜歡寫這種東西,因為我以前辦完活動的第一件事就是回去 Google 觀眾今天的評論。然後我最討厭看到有人批評了。我其實很喜歡所有工作人員的熱情,我也非常認同這一個活動。謝謝 TEDxTaida 的所有人今天辦了這樣的活動,希望你們還可以繼續下去)。


就像所有活動一樣,開始前的等待有一點悶,或許有更多互動破冰應該不錯。仔細想想,我似乎只有在 Blue Man 的活動,體驗有趣味性的暖場做。演講剛開始有一點可惜,似乎硬體設備沒有完全準備好:影片的音效、講者麥可風的傳遞、簡報筆的測試都出了些小狀況。開場白,以及引言的部分,對我太新潮了:或許直接讓活動開始、介紹名字就好了。講者跟講者中間,有放一小段音樂沉澱大家的心情,巧思還不錯;可惜大家都很想要講話,上廁所,走來走去。



Baby Boomer,台大法律,畢業幾年後當外商總經理(月薪 2000 美金;1:44),開始一直到處跑。下半年決定開始自己的Bucket list。


- 37/50 個聯合國的美術館、玉山、重機





- 今天的主題,"生活在他方",他方或許不是地域性的改變,而是身分的改變。
- 我們活在一個環境持續在改變的環境,當改變過於快速的時候。與其追尋,或許我們應該回過來省思"自己"
- 改變需要一段很長的過程;在期間,你的眼睛應該只專注在目標上;不然妳會浪費很多錢跟時間。
- 我經歷過一段很長的過程,一直不斷的測試我自己的動機
- 改變的自信格局;格局:從開始宅食開始,一律只接受預約,不接受臨時走進來的客人。





以立國際,B 91的農學院學長,從若水出來之後,決定要到柬埔塞蓋孤兒院,"柬單生活計畫"。這一個組織接受捐款的同時,也會要求捐款人到柬埔塞一起蓋房子,建立參與感與關懷。利用台灣的優勢(農業),去幫助其他地方的人。

- "其實你覺得我們所捐的衣服,為什麼那邊的人不敢穿?因為假如他們穿了,其他看到他們的外國人,就會覺得他們沒有那麼窮困,就不捐款了"。所以以立幫他們設計了農田,讓他們可以從另外一個面向解決問題。

我覺得這才是觀察到當地人所需要,然後真的參與協助的案例。我之前一直沒有辦法 appreciate 社會企業到底在做什麼,不過我覺得這一個例子真的改變了我的想法。

- 同樣世界,不同目地,不同解讀。
- "其實地上本沒有路,走的人多了,也便成了路"魯迅;講者好像自己在前面加了"希望是一條路",不得不說,原句還是比較通順一點。

兩次參加 TEDxTaida 的活動,都只能待半場,所以或許加起來,可以算是一場。這一個活動當然可以有兩個切入點,一個是以學生為觀眾,選擇適合的主題;這也是他們目前採取的方法。不過當然,這樣在主題的選擇是不是可以跟日益繁多的 TEDx 活動有所區隔,是值得思考。這裡的大問題是:"有什麼主題,是我們可以講,別的 TEDx,別的演講不能說的?"

或許另外一個切入點,是以學校的老師、學生為講者的來源:這是一個平台,讓學校最酷的老師/學生可以發表最驚人的思想。讓他們把一學期的課,濃縮為 18 min。

2012年5月19日 星期六


More technology; such as 3D printing, gene.

Programming Working Journal


Actual 07:00-11:30 (- 1h breakfast+snakes)

Good job on nailing most of the function, and get a lot of practice. You know how to use the basics of them, add oil. Remember the joy of writing for($i=0, isset($a[$i]), $i++)!
add oil muyueh, one step at the time.
Be so good that they can't ignore you.

07:00-11:30 4h30
Need to finish all term, and practice practice practice.

Baptiste mentioned that a good programming, apart from the execution detail; should really be how one look at the big picture of the problem.
-> He is continued exposed to positive swarm effect.

Continue on the log in page problem:

- whether it is possible to write one empty check code for both password and name
-> Kind of a variable filed
- Do we/how to md5 the password before it is even it is send out?
-> might need to dis-activate the field.

2012年5月18日 星期五

Random Idea: agreement term

It said that is 70 something days to read through all license agreement of all web service one encounter a year.

Why not:
1. design a pre-declare system; when one can declare what is/isn't appropriate in advance; and checked when things are not as expected.

2. design a standardize form, with the usual what is/isn't appropriate; and the site will have to say where does their form deviate from the standard form.

Hard question

Do music composition follow a rule?

How to determine a good piece of music?
What is the ultimate purpose of a piece of music?

-> Change music for novel, programming.

Programming Working Journal

Check-in: 6:10 am A bit hungry, but feeling great to be able to start the day that early.

Good morning start, the effect was great. Just don't get distracted.
Spend 2 h on figure out how to send question on stock overflow, have not succeeded yet. 

06:30- 12:30 Continue to break the Thursday list ( 90 min)
Practice, practice and practice the skill
re-write the log-in system.

Question that remains unsolvable after 1 hour:
How add/remove quotation mark?

So that I can do the following:

echo substr('abcdef', 0, -3); // expecting output: abc
echo addquote(substr('abcdef', 0, -3)); // expecting output:substr('abcdef', 0, -3)

2012年5月17日 星期四

TED:David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence

It is nice to hear David Kelly speech, but nothing really new if one is already familiar with d school design thinking. Talking of design thinking, I have recently feel that something is seriously missing in the methodology. I don't where is wrong, I just feel that something is not right.

Feeling of doubt.

I think it is because in some of the data point I have recently gather, the result is false, while the process is right. So wondering about design thinking: whether there is some premise that was required but unmet?

Otherwise, how do you explain the gap?

Some note related to the speech:
Fear of judgement.
Albert Bandura; psychologist about phobia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Bandura
Step by step process to get comfortable with snake.
-> Self-efficacy, sense that one can change the world.
Take people-> series of step -> transformation
Commit to this point, regain their creative confidence.

Programming Working Journal

Check-in: Tired, but fine.

20:40-23:26 (-20 min nap) Great! Make some major progress with term you didn't know before : )
20:40-23:40 (3h) Google unknown term/method of the log in system, rewrite it.
Trim; md5; function, false-true variable

Reading https://github.com/simfatic/RegistrationForm/blob/master/source/include/fg_membersite.php

Need to understand the following, get a quick google search, and practice to use it to write code:
- define
 http://www.w3school.com.cn/php/func_misc_define.aspdefine("Aaaa", "Hello world")
echo "Aaaa";
-> appear Hello world
- array_push
-> add multiple things to the end of array
array_push($a, "tik", "nik");
-> $a([5]->tik, [6]->nik)
print_r($a)-> return everything of the $a array!
- print
To be exploredhttp://php.net/manual/en/function.print.php
- $bret?sometimes refer as $bRetMight be the same thing as boolean return ($breturn)
- $this->sitenamehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1523479/what-does-the-variable-this-mean-in-php"The pseudo-variable $this is available when a method is called from within an object context." from php.net
It is used under an object oriented environment.I guess my question was, why do we need $this.
Then, it make sense to use it as the following show: 
function a($x){ return $this->error_hash;}
As the function can be later been called within a class.
related: difference between self and $this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151969/php-self-vs-this
more on object oriented programming:

- !isset
isset is use to see whether a variable has been set
-> if it is "unset" or equal to "null" it will return with false
- empty
empty= isset+ "" + $a=0 +false

-----------------------------2012.5.19 --------------------------------------------------------------

- substr(md5(uniqid()),0,10)
-> substr is a difficult one.

- if(!result|| mysql_num_rows($rows)<=0)
-> mysql_num_rows() and mysq_affected_rows()
the former for counting the number we have last SHOW or SELECT;
and the later includes number for INSERT, DELETE and other.

- return true/falsePracticing.
- explodehttp://php.net/manual/en/function.explode.phpcut down string into array of substring.
explode(" ", $sting)
$strin="This is a wonderfull day ";
$strin2= array(3, 4, 5, 6, 9);
$strin4="Taiwan (i/?ta??w??n/ ty-wahn; Chinese: 臺灣 or 台灣; pinyin: Taiw?n; see below), officially the Republic of China (ROC; Chinese: 中華民國; pinyin: Zh?nghua Minguo), is a state in East Asia. Originally based in mainland China, the Republic of China now governs the island of Taiwan (formerly known as Formosa), which forms over 99% of its current territory,[f] as well as Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and other minor islands. Neighboring states include the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east and northeast, and the Philippines to the south. Taipei is the capital city and economic and cultural centre of the country,[1] and New Taipei is the most populous city.";
$tran_space=explode(" ",$strin);
echo "</br></br></br>";
//$tran _null=explode("",$strin);
//echo "</br></br></br>";
$tran_array=explode(",", $strin2);
echo "</br></br></br>";
$tran_3=explode("3", $strin3);
echo "</br></br></br>";
$tran4=explode("Taiwan", $strin4);
echo "</br></br></br>";
$tran5=explode(".", $strin4);

- strlen()
http://php.net/manual/en/function.strlen.phplength of string;
"-2"= 2
"Hello world"=12
- Difference between 'apostrophe' and "Quotation"
->Can use variable ($a->7) in the Quotation, while within apostrophe, variable remains the same($a->$a)
 - preg_match
search for a regular expression http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.phpI am still not familiar with regular expression; this will help me to write filter; and e-mail related function.related: in_array() search an array for a specific value.


There is something interesting about this expression, study it more: 

= array(
"not numeric",

foreach (
$tests as $element) {
    if (
is_numeric($element)) {
"'{$element}' is numeric"PHP_EOL;
    } else {
"'{$element}' is NOT numeric"PHP_EOL;